1. Election Information — FEA members in Europe will elect six representatives for the NEA Representative Assembly. NEA delegates from around the U.S. and around the world are expected to gather for the next Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly from July 2 to July 6 in Denver Colorado. RA delegates will propose, debate, and take action on new business items for the Association and other association policies, and vote by secret ballot on proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. Executive Officers, Executive Committee members, and at-large members of the NEA Board of Directors will be elected. There will be 2 Representatives from each FEA Division The nomination form is attached to the email. Deadline for nomination forms is 4 December.
2. Open Season — It is getting close to open season for changes in insurance etc. (November 9-December 14) and is always a good idea to check what you have and think about what you need. To get the most up-to-date information about the FEHB plans you can visit myfederalretirement.com and at OPM’s plan comparison page.
3. PD and Planning for Human Rights Day — Greetings! More opportunities for awareness-building came to me this weekend. Many thanks to DiAnna Martinez for sharing the links for Human Rights Day next month and Civil Rights Day in January (see attachment). Let’s Talk About Race/UCLA Extension Course (FREE!) From our Great Europe HCR Group. Find information about the course here. This workshop will introduce participants to the tenets of Critical Race Theory and help students understand how critical theories can unpack the role that institutions play in promoting white supremacist structures and systems. (Attachment in attached to update email)
4. Deadlines for mailing Packages for the Holidays — This may seem odd this year, but if you are sending anything to the states here are your dates for which to be aware.
5. Mark Your Calendar-
November 11-December 2 — Open Season
November 16-20 American Education Week
November 28 –Thanksgiving
6. NEA Benefit — NEA offers ‘complimentary’ life insurance to all members by simply registering at this site. You can also register your beneficiary immediately at the NEA Member Benefits Comp Life site. This is just another way NEA gives back to us. Should you have any trouble signing up let us know.
Terry McClain
FEA Europe
Area Director