
Overseas Retro Pay Finally Included in Recent Pay Statement 

The Overseas retro-pay for the 2023-2024 school year should be included in educators’ most recent Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). This LES should be viewable in the MyPay system and educators should receive the pay on the upcoming July 5th payday. FEA members should check their LES for the pay period ending June 27th carefully… Read More

Overseas Retro Pay Expected on July 5

June 11th, 2024 According to DoDEA, DFAS has informed them the Overseas retroactive pay adjustment will be paid to employees on July 5, 2024, as part of the paycheck for the pay period ending June 27. The adjustment is a lump sum paid to employees in the Overseas bargaining unit to bring their pay up… Read More

Awaiting Overseas Retro Pay

posted June 5, 2024   As the school year draws to a close, Overseas members are still awaiting payment by the government of the retroactive pay adjustment FEA won for them, to bring their pay to the level currently owed to them under the SY 23-24 salary schedules that were finalized in April.   In… Read More


posted May 31, 2024 FEA continues working to help the many members who are experiencing delays and errors with their RAT orders this year due to DoDEA management’s unwillingness to heed our warnings long ago that more staff and more training were needed to avoid such problems. FEA President Brian Chance has assisted hundreds of… Read More

May 6th, 2024 FEA President’s Report

FEA Urging DoDEA to Fix Urgent Overseas Travel Problems Many Overseas members have reported immense difficulty in getting the Agency to promptly approve and book their summer travel orders, either for themselves or their dependents. This situation is extremely urgent for those who have imminent travel plans. FEA has gathered information from our members, presented… Read More

Significant Salary Gains Under New 23-24 Overseas Schedules

Under the School Year 2023-2024 salary survey finalized recently, classroom teacher pay in DoDEA’s Overseas schools will increase an average of 4.89 percent. In the coming weeks, thanks to FEA action, Overseas bargaining unit members will receive a retroactive pay adjustment for the amount owed to them this school year under the newly released schedules. Average rates… Read More

April 9th, 2024 FEA President’s Report

  2024 FEA Annual Meeting and NEA RA to be held in Philadelphia, PA Each summer, approximately 6,000 educators meet at the National Education Association Representative Assembly (RA) to debate the vital issues that impact American public education and set NEA policy and activities for the year ahead. These delegates represent the 3 million members… Read More


DoDEA educators should take note that the Army Benefits Center - Civilian website is currently inoperable until Friday, March 22. On March 19th, the Center’s Facebook page shared this news, along with alternative ways of contacting the agency in the meantime: “Due to scheduled migration, the Army Benefits Center - Civilian website is currently inoperable… Read More

February 29th, 2024 President’s Report

  FEA Secures Discounted Recertification Courses for FEA Members As a benefit exclusively for Association members, FEA is working with Virtual Education Software (VESi) and the accredited Augustana University to provide members with reduced pricing on courses approved for DoDEA teacher recertification and Academic Salary Lane (ASL) changes. This new member benefit amounts to significant savings every recertification… Read More

How FEA Assists Overseas Educators during Excess Placement

February 28th, 2024 Every year DoDEA management notifies certain Overseas employees they are to be “excessed”, meaning due to staffing changes they may be moved from their school or District to another for the coming school year. As this can even mean uprooting from one country to another, being excessed is often stressful for many… Read More