1. Coronavirus Info
2. 11th Payment
3. Focused Collaboration
4. RAT Info Update
5. EDC Info
6. Stop Movement Article
7. AP Testing PTA Response
8. Mark Your Calendar
9. Need Credit for Recertification
10. NEA Foundation Award (Deadline 1 April)
1. Coronavirus Info — As you all know DoD has authorized departure for anyone at risk. Please be aware there are parameters to the ‘Authorized Departures’ as it could affect your decision. The complete list of questions and answers from DoDEA can be under the “FAQ” tab on DoDEA’s Authorized Departures Page
Also, DoDEA has indicated its COVID-19 Helpdesk is now a 24/7 operation. That helpdesk can be reached by phone at 703 438 1075 or email at covid19@dodea.edu. Should you have NOT received the guidance from your admin and wish to have it please contact your FRS or Division Representative.
2. 11th Payment — FEA Europe membership coordinator as well as FEA HQ have been working with DFAS to get the extra payment back to members. There is now a plan to do so, and are hopeful, with checks and balances, the extra payment will be returned to members in May. Please check your LES throughout that time to ensure you receive it, and FEA will also be letting you know when it should be back in your hands.
3. Focused Collaboration — As many of you know there has been a bit of confusion as to whether this continues. The answer is that the time remains, and the groups can continue as needed, but there are no google forms/forms to fill, and it can be used as needed in the new digital platforms, working with all colleagues, subject areas, grade levels etc. Below is the email sent from Dr. McMullen to the superintendents in Europe.
“While Collaboration times will continue, how the time is used will look different while we are using a digital learning approach to reach our students. Teachers may use the time organically as needed for learning new digital tools, planning lessons with colleagues, and/or sharing ideas to improve digital learning for students. This may include collaborating with teams, grade levels, content areas, and/or with another individual who can provide support in the new digital platforms. Google forms do not need to be completed while we are using this format. Principals will continue to join collaboration sessions with teachers as they have been. A Special appreciation is warranted for teachers and principals who are learning a completely different approach to provide ‘continuity of education’ for our students!”
Dr. Dell McMullen
4. RAT Info Update — I now have the TOPS orders, the DTS orders and the tickets purchased through SATO. Yes, purchased not just reserved. However, I did not purchase the tickets myself, but had SATO use the DTS orders to secure the tickets. Now, I do not know if I can even travel. All of this is being worked at the HQ level, and there are many ideas that of course are in accordance with the JTR. There are also waiver possibilities being discussed, with all those great ideas, we, as teachers have. The Authorized Departure has taken the focus recently, but we are hopeful to have guidance soon about RAT and the possibilities. Stay tuned and check the FEA online page as it will be updated when we do have the information.
5. EDC Info — Members experiencing difficulty in securing payment for an EDC that has ended prematurely due to the COVID 19 suspension of activities should contact Brian Chance @ bchance@nea.org with the information listed here.
EDC (i.e. name of sport or activity):
Range of hours for the EDC:
Hours completed:
Reason payment was denied:
Attach all correspondence regarding the denial of payment
6. Stop Movement — Here is an article about the stop movement of troops. As you know it can and does affect us as well. Read the article here
7. AP Testing — As many of you are aware, there is the idea of having AP testing all at the same time. The European PTA has taken action as this would have direct impact on our military students taking these tests late at night or early morning a.m. in the Pacific. Brian Chance, FEA President, is also on this and has spoken to Mr. Brady about it. Mr. Brady is now contacting the head of AP testing to ensure our students are able to take these tests at a time conducive for best achievement. Here is the post from the European PTA
8. Mark Your Calendar
May 5 — Cinco de Mayo
May 7 — National Teacher’s Day (6-10) Teacher Appreciation Week)
May 8 — School Nurses Day
May 10 — Military Spouse Appreciation Day
May 12 — Mother’s Day
9. Need Credit — This info from our colleague Debra Davidson from Netzaberg. “I wanted to let you know that USD is having a sale on Project Read- 15% off- but only for a couple more days. If you need a credit, you might want to sign up for a class. They are offering credit for some books that you may have read already (i.e. Flipp the Switch, Zones of Regulation, and several books that have been used in Autism in Literature courses). There are lots of other subjects and titles available too, of course. Once you register, I think you have 280 days to complete your paper.”
Here is the link if you’re interested
10. NEA Foundation Award — Each year the NEA Foundation Awards for Teaching Excellence recognizes educators whose professional practice and advocacy for the profession are exemplary. All state affiliates, including FEA, are allowed to nominate one candidate a year (we are looking for a nominee for 2018 — our 2017 nominee was Michael Pope from Japan). The application is attached and the deadline for submission of all materials to FEA is April 21, 2020 and should be sent to the Washington FEA Office at 1201 16th St. NW, Suite 117 Washington D.C. 20036 or scanned to Gary Hritz at (ghritz@nea.org). For further information see the attachments.
Terry McClain
FEA Europe
Area Director