Why should you join FEA? A better question would be, “How can you afford not to?”
Everyone needs support to do their best. FEA is there to support you in all aspects of your life. Whether it’s becoming the best educator you can be, keeping abreast of the latest policy and rules changes affecting you and your job, finding a mortgage to help buy your first home, or looking for advice on what to do once you’ve retired, FEA is committed to serving the needs of our members.
But FEA needs you as much as you need us. There is no association without members. By banding together, FEA’s membership can speak with one voice to promote excellence in education and fairness in how education employees are treated.
Education is your profession, and FEA is your professional organization. See the links below and talk to your local FEA representative and members about what FEA can do for you. When you’re ready to join, ask your FEA Local President or FRS for a membership form or print one out from this site.
YOU are the Federal Education Association, and FEA will always be there for you.
FEA fights for the salary, benefits, and respect you deserve. Become a member today.