1. Goodbye Grievance
2. FEA/NEA Retired or Pre-Retired
3. FRS/Local Elections
4. FEA Journal
5. Stopping Dues
6. Mark your Calendar
1. Goodbye Grievance – If you are an Overseas employee who is resigning/retiring or moving to a bargaining unit outside of FEA’s Overseas bargaining unit, please remember to file and elevate your “Goodbye Grievance” before your last duty day. While it will be denied at every level it’s given, this will invoke your rights and allow FEA to represent you after you are no longer in the FEA Overseas bargaining unit. (GBG Attached)
2. FEA/NEA Retired or Pre-Retired — If you are considering retirement this school year (or in the near future), please join FEA-Retired (FEA Pre-Retired if you are not retiring this year). FEA Retired membership allows you to continue with all the benefits from NEA Member Benefits programs (neamb.com). It includes information resources from NEA and FEA-Washington as well as coverage by the Association’s liability insurance, which is helpful for those who decide to substitute teach in retirement. Your Retired Membership also supports NEA/FEA in their work to support and promote various issues affecting retirees, with Michael Priser (mwpriser@yahoo.com ) and Trudy Pollard (thpollard47@gmail.com ) leading the way for all DoDEA retirees. Stay connected and involved!
3. FRS Elections — Hopefully your local elections are now concluded or finishing soon. Please get the names of your FRS, FR, and FRHCRC as well as local presidents etc. to your Division Representative as soon as the elections are concluded. Should you have any questions or need anything please contact your Division Representative.
4. FEA Journal — This link will take you to the FEA Journal that should be coming to you in your regular USPS box soon. If you would like a sneek peek here it is for you.
5. Stopping Dues — If you are an overseas FEA member who pays dues through payroll deductions and you are transferring at the end of the school year, you may need to stop and restart your payroll deductions.
This applies to:
Current Europe teachers who are transferring out of Europe. Members should email their SF 1188 by the end of the school year to Linda Conception, FEA European Membership Processor at Linda Concepcion Europe_Pro@outlook.com .
These teachers will need to cancel payroll deductions in their current location and restart them in their new location. Prior to leaving their current location, they should submit form SF1188 to cancel payroll deductions. Then, once they arrive in their new location, they should submit form SF 1187 to begin payroll deductions. This procedure is necessary because of the variation in local dues among areas. If you have any questions, please contact your Area Director.
(Please note, employees who are retiring or resigning should ALSO submit a form SF 1188 to cancel this payroll deduction.)
6. Mark Your Calendar-
May 1-31 — Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
May 1-31 — Jewish American Heritage Month
May 31 — Memorial Day
Terry McClain
FEA Europe
Area Director