Terry’s Update

May 13, 2020

1. Final RAT Journal Entry
2. Local Rebate Letters
3. FEA/NEA Retired/ Pre-Retired Dues
4. 11th Payment
5. Overseas Retro Pay Coming 29 May
6. European Election Results/EAC Minutes
7. FRS Election information/directions
8. FEA Retirement Certificates
9. Mark Your Calendar

1. Final RAT Journal Entry — After attempting to write the trials of getting RAT orders, I have now canceled the TOPS orders, the DTS orders and the tickets purchased through SATO. I did not purchase the tickets myself, but had SATO use the DTS orders to secure the tickets therefore I am only out the time I have had to spend for the orders I now will not use. Attached is a FAQ sheet that does answer some questions about authorized departure, RAT, and retirees. When I asked about canceling my orders I received this response from CHRA:

“I am in receipt of your request to cancel your RAT. Please submit a request in TOPS to cancel your travel orders by completing the following steps: In TOPS – Initiate a new DD1614 -select order type-Cancellation- add SS# – submit – select order # (FROM YOUR TOPS ORDERS) – in the comments/remarks input your remarks – submit the request. Your request will then be processed, you will receive an email notification when your request is completed. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.”

At this time with the recent paper from DoDEA HQ, the final answer about RAT is that IF we take it, we must wait until after the ‘stop movement ban’ is lifted. Should you have your own tickets please read the DoDEA paper carefully and see below a quote directly from a Stars and Stripes article Wednesday 6 May on page 6 quoting a base policy, which could/would affect teachers. While this is not FEA’s position it is what DoDEA is directing.

“Those who don’t fall under the UCMJ who violate the order could lose logistical support and access to government housing, be banned from entering U.S. installations or be ordered to return to the U.S.”

2. Local Rebate Letters — If you have not already received your Local Rebate Letter from FEA Europe Membership Processor, Chuck McCarter, you will receive it shortly.

This letter will tell you the amount of your members’ dues money for this year which is being returned to your local association for use at the local or building level. These funds will be credited to your school/local account which is part of the FEA Europe accounts administered by our accountant, Walter Pikul. These funds are normally used for membership appreciation, teacher appreciation, membership socials, retirements, as well as reimbursement of FRS mailing expenses, etc. You can access these funds by sending a voucher with receipts (, a voucher is attached the)

Per FEA guidance, all vouchers for reimbursement should have 2 signatures (usually Local President and Treasurer) and be accompanied by detailed receipts, etc. If you have further questions, please let me know.

3. FEA/NEA Retired or Pre-Retired — If you are considering retirement this school year (or in the near future), please join FEA-Retired (FEA Pre-Retired if you are not retiring this year). The cost during SY 19-20 is only a one-time fee of $413.75. FEA Retired membership allows you to continue with all the benefits from NEA Member Benefits programs ( It includes information resources from NEA and FEA-Washington as well as coverage by the Association’s liability insurance, which is helpful for those who decide to substitute teach in retirement. Your Retired Membership also supports NEA/FEA in their work to support and promote various issues affecting retirees, such as our recent successful efforts that saw reimbursement of PCS moving taxes extended to federal retirees. Stay connected and involved! Learn more about FEA/NEA Retired and Pre-Retired membership here.

4. 11th Payment — FEA Europe membership coordinator as well as FEA HQ has been working with DFAS to get the extra payment back to members. The repayment of the one overpayment should be back in either this LES or the next. Please check your LES throughout that time to ensure you receive it.

5. Overseas Retro Pay Coming 29 May — DoDEA has informed us that Overseas employees will receive on May 29 the retroactive salary adjustment won for you by the Association under the March Case, along with your regular pay (which should now be computed based on your SY 19-20 salary amount).

Because of the law governing Overseas salaries, those salary schedules are generally not calculated and available for implementation until late in the school year. As a result, Overseas employees always spend most of any given school year being paid on the previous year’s salary figures while they await completion of the current year’s salary survey, conducted by the DoD Wage & Salary Division with input from FEA and DODEA. The retroactive pay adjustment serves to make Overseas employees whole for the current school year by paying the different between the amount they’ve actually been paid in a school year and the amount they should have been paid, had the current salary schedule been available for implementation at the start of the school year.

For years, DoDEA would not pay Overseas employees on the newly calculated salary schedules until the start of the following school year, meaning Overseas employees were always being paid one year behind their true salary figures. Through a court case, FEA won the retro pay adjustment for the Overseas employees to ensure those employees are credited the full pay owed to them within any given school year.

Overseas employees should be sure to check for their retro pay adjustment on their May 29 LES.

6. Europe Representative/s Election Results and EAC Minutes — While the minutes and election results were completed in January, and have been published on the FEA website since then, they possibly have not been sent in any way to ensure all know they are published. You can access both as well as all updates here.

7. FRS Elections – It is the time of year (usually late April in to May) when schools will be choosing their Faculty Representative Spokesperson for SY 19/20. However, this is not just any year as we all know. Because of the pandemic and the requirement for anonymous voting, as well as the lack of electronic voting that is anonymous, we are asking that the FRS remain in the position for at least the first semester next year or at least until there can anonymous elections. IF the FRS is leaving due to retirement etc. a FR can be appointed for the interim. IF there is someone other than the FRS as the representative, please inform me as soon as possible so that we can get the materials to someone for the start of next SY.

8. FEA Retirement Certificates — If you or someone you know is retiring this year and they are a member, FEA can provide a retirement certificate. You will need to fill out the form from the link provided Saturday May 16 in order to get the certificate to them so do not delay. Access the form here

9. Mark Your Calendar
May 1-31 — Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
May 1-31 — Jewish American Heritage Month
May 16 — Armed Forces Day (third Saturday in May)
May 18 — World Aids Vaccine Day
May 25 — Memorial Day

Terry McClain
FEA Europe
Area Director