Terry’s Update

1. Women’s History Month
3. IRS Forms and Publications
4. NEA Foundation Award
5. FRS/Local Elections
6. Mark Your Calendar

1. Women’s History Month — This month, March, is Women’s History Month. Since 1910, March 8 has been observed as International Women’s Day by people around the world. Thus, March was chosen for National Women’s History Month in the United States. This link will provide you with many useful tools to celebrate this month.

2. VLTP — I have noticed more and more names of members being approved for VLTP coming in to my mail box. The Voluntary Leave Transfer Program allows us to donate leave to others who have exhausted their own leave, generally due to illness of either themselves or of family members. I often wonder if the stresses of our job situations don’t help to acerbate this situation. Regardless, the deeper we get into the school year the harder we find it to donate, as we can only donate APL days at this time, a situation I would hope we could eventually have changed. If you are able to do so, please consider helping these members who often find themselves in rather dire straits. You merely need to pick a recipient and fill out the forms that you will get in your school office. You’ll feel good for having done it.

3. IRS Forms and Publications — As tax season approaches, this site has all the forms and publications that you will need to complete your 2020 tax filing. Most can be done electronically. Also, be aware that most military installations offer tax services for civilians at no cost–check with the legal office on your base/post. IRS forms

4. NEA Foundation Award — Each year the NEA Foundation Awards for Teaching Excellence recognizes educators whose professional practice and advocacy for the profession are exemplary. All state affiliates, including FEA, are allowed to nominate one candidate a year (we are looking for a nominee for 2021 The application is attached and the deadline for submission of all materials to FEA is April 21, 2021 and should be sent to the Washington FEA Office at 1201 16th St. NW, Suite 117 Washington D.C. 20036 or scanned to Gary Hritz at ( For further information see the attachments or this link. Download the NEA Foundation Award application form here

5. FRS Elections — It is getting close to the time many schools have elections for the faculty representative spokesperson. Generally, it is best to have this completed before a schedule for the next SY is in place, however not always possible. Attached to this update are the guidelines for having local elections for the school. Please understand these are ‘guidelines’ and that your local constitution and bylaws should be the authority. Should you have any questions or need anything please contact your Division Representative.

6. Mark Your Calendar-
March 1-31 — Women’s History Month
March 26-April 4 — Spring Break
March 28 — Daylight Savings Europe
April 1 — April Fool’s Day
April 4 — Easter Sunday

Terry McClain
FEA Europe
Area Director