Advice for FEA Members on Political Activities and the Hatch Act

The “Hatch Act” is the law that defines what Congress allows federal employees to do (or not to do) in regards to elections and political activities. The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is the government agency that implements the regulations and enforces the Hatch Act. As such, the OSC has developed the one-page poster below to assist federal employees in determining what they may or may not do in an election.

Hatch Act Do’s and Don’ts Poster

If you need additional information, or would like to read more about the Hatch Act and OSC regulations and advisories regarding the Hatch Act, please use the following link.

Office of Special Counsel Hatch Act Information

Please keep in mind that the Hatch Act applies to ALL federal employees and has very severe penalties for violations. Therefore, if you have any questions about whether any proposed action may or may not violate the Hatch Act, please consult with your Uniserv attorney or the FEA Washington Legal Office BEFORE taking the action. Thank you.