Terry’s Update

19 February, 2020

1. RAT 2020 Update
2. MLT Perspective
3. WLT Perspective
4. FEA Europe Elections
5. NEA Foundation Award Applications Due April 1
6. HCR Newsletter
7. Injured on the Job
8. Mark your Calendar Events
9. Printable Posters for Women’s History Month
10. Retirement Checklist Developers
11. Area Director’s travels

1. RAT 2020 — As I have applied for RAT for the summer of 2020, I thought I would give you an update on how things are going. I applied for orders in TOPS on Tuesday 4 February. I received the orders on 10 February, and immediately sent the TOPS orders to CTO Sembach asking for the reservation and itinerary I needed. On 14 February, I received my reservation with the itinery in order and now await the DTS orders. I am hopeful those will come in the coming week, and I will then send them to Sembach CTO for the purchasing of the tickets. At this point, things seem to be going well, but I have not yet asked for any reimbursements. As I go through this process I will update you with any information that may help anyone that will also be going through the process.

2. MLT Representative — Our colleague Ms. Danielle Rodriguez from Stuttgart ES attended the Minority Leadership Training in Orlando Florida and had this perspective. “I had the privilege to attend the National Education Association’s Minority Leadership and Women’s Leadership Training Programs. The mission of the seminar was to prepare educators and emerging leaders to be advocates for their students, profession and their Association. The conference’s goal was to provide leadership skills, coalition building and racial justice training. The workshops discussed how racial, economic and social justice issues affect school environment and different way to get the community involve to create social change. A very powerful conference that was informative as well as enlightening.”

3. WLT Representative — Our colleague Ms. Julie Bradford from Ramstein IS attended the Women’s Leadership Training in Orlando Florida and had this perspective. “I attended three sessions: Women in Leadership (a Governance and Leadership session); Five Shifts for Racial Justice Education and Increasing Educator Voice through a Race Equity Lens (both were presented as advocacy sessions). Some of my time was spent in minority caucus meetings. These make up some of the backbone for NEA’s annual Representative Assembly (RA). Sharing information with new and experienced educators is one way that I recharge my teaching battery. The NEA W/MLT is an outstanding use of association dues and being a part of the ‘small bones’ that create my “NEA dragon” is a fulfilling part of my association membership.”

4. FEA Europe Elections–Ballots, envelopes, etc. have been sent to all FRSs/election chairs in Europe for the elections of Division Representative, HCR Division Representative, Europe HCR Representative, and NEA RA Candidates. If for some reason you or your school representative did not receive these, please contact your FRS, or Bill Morgan, CMR 409 BOX153, APO AE 09053 or FEAElectionEmail@gmail.com. Due to be received by the election committee by 9 March.

5. NEA Foundation Award Applications Due April 1— Association members who would like to be considered for nomination for the 2021 NEA Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence must download the application packet and submit it to FEA’s Washington DC office by April 1, 2020. Our 2020 nominee, Reading Specialist Patricia Hannon from Hohenfels Elementary School, is one of five nationwide finalists for the NEA Foundation’s top award. FEA may submit one nominee for the award each year. If you think it should be you, download the form and submit it by April 1 to be considered.

6. HCR Newsletter — This issue contains a spotlight on HCR events worldwide, resources for Black History Month, information on countering racist socialization and racial bias, a book list for becoming a better ally, and contact information for HCR advocates. View the February 2020 HCR newsletter here

Please let Alina Rozanski know if you have any questions!

7. Injured on the Job – Should you be injured while on the job or school property (parking lot, sidewalks, steps) please make sure your supervisor is notified, the proper forms are filled out and the nurse has it in their log. With some of the interesting weather that we experience in the winter here, it is especially a good idea to be aware. There have already been a number of teachers and school employees who have fallen in recent icy conditions.

8. Mark Your Calendar-
February 19-22 — Cheer Championships
February 19-22 — Basketball Championships
February 25- March 2 — International Student Leadership Institute (ISLI)
February 25 — Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras
February 26 — National Tell a Fairy Tale Day
March 1-31 — Women’s History Month
March 2 — Read Across America

9. Printable Posters for Women’s History Month — Here you can find printable posters for the upcoming Women’s History Month. amightygirl.com A great way to start off a great month honoring women!

10. Retirement Check List and Packet — A recently retired FEA Member, Michael Priser, collaborated with other recently retired FEA Members to come up with helpful tips for anyone retiring. It is attached here, and has email address of retired members you can contact if you need help. It seems we all must help each other, as DoDEA nor HR seems to be of great assistance.

11. Area Director’s travels — I will be attending meetings on behalf of FEA from 20-25 February. Please be patient during this time as it could take time to get to all emails. You can always get up-to-the-minute information from www.feaonline.org and we hope you will logon to see what’s up.

Terry McClain
FEA Europe
Area Director