To: FEA Leaders and Educators (For Immediate Distribution)
From: H.T. Nguyen, FEA Executive Director/ General Counsel
Date: June 1, 2010
Re: Legal Update #3 SY 2009-2010- Follow-up on Legal Update #2: Management
Encroachment into Educators’ Time

As you may recall, in Legal Update #2 SY 2009-2010 (September 23, 2009), I explained to our DoDDS educators that the Association had filed Association grievances over the encroachment by management into educator time. As I explained in that Legal Update, this litigation was designed to challenge management’s actions to require educators:

” to attend training or perform newly assigned other functions during (1) the 20 minutes before and 30 minutes after the instruction day; (2) during the first and/or second preparations periods (for the schools that have two preparatory periods); (3) during the duty-free lunch period; and (4) at other times”

When you follow the link to Legal Update #2 SY 2009-2010, the page you will be taken to includes a link to a form to be completed by educators. I asked DoDDS educators to complete these forms whenever management encroached into educator time, and to follow the instructions in that Legal Update on how to input this information into these forms. I then asked you to please retain these forms and that the Association would contact you to collect these forms. As this school year draws to a close in DoDDS, it is now time for DoDDS educators to submit these forms to the Association.

The Association asks that you first please make sure that you have made copies of all of your completed forms and placed the copies in your files. After you have ensured that you have retained these copies, please bring the original, completed forms to your FRS. Once your FRS has collected the forms, your FRS will then mail these completed forms to the FEA Washington Legal office. Remember, you can find the form at the bottom of Legal Update #2 SY 2009-2010

While the Association understands that this is a very busy time for all of our educators, the encroachment into educator time by management has become a serious problem throughout the school system. In order to defend your rights and educator time, the Association needs as much information as possible from the educators so that we can make the best case possible on your behalf to protect you against management’s continuing encroachment into your time.

The Association asks the FRS to please collect these forms as soon as possible, and to then send the packet of completed forms to the FEA Washington Legal office at the following mailing address:

Federal Education Association
C/O: H.T. Nguyen
1201 16th Street, N.W., Suite 117
Washington, D.C. 20036

Thank you for your time and assistance on behalf of the Association, I thank you again for your hard work on behalf of our students and hope that you enjoy your well-deserved summer break.