EXCESS PLACEMENT PROGRAM DELAYED DoDEA has informed us that, due to difficulties it is experiencing with the setup of its online application system, the Excess Placement Program for Overseas educators, originally scheduled to take place next week, will be delayed. The length of the delay is uncertain at this time. FEA will update members as… Read More
DODEA DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE HOPEFULLY SIGNALS POSITIVE CHANGE In case you missed our email to members on this, last week Director Brady sent a message to all DoDEA staff, in which he acknowledges the many stresses and burdens DoDEA educators continue to face due to COVID and the current work environment. The possible changes he cited… Read More
By now you have hopefully seen the message from Director Brady to all DoDEA staff, in which he acknowledges the many stresses and burdens DoDEA educators continue to face due to COVID and the current work environment. We are appreciative Director Brady recognized the need for changes to be made. The possible changes he cited… Read More
posted: January 14, 2022 As a result of numerous requests from the Association, DoDEA has released information to administrators about the option for federal workers exposed to COVID 19 to file claims under the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA), which is essentially Workers Comp for feds. In most COVID situations, management’s response is for the… Read More
OVERSEAS CONTRACT BARGAINING UPDATE The FEA bargaining team and management are currently awaiting action from the Federal Service Impasses Panel (FSIP) on a number of matters concerning the successor Overseas contract. FEA remains committed to negotiating a fair contract that strengthens the learning environment for DoDEA students, protects employee rights, and ensures they have dignity… Read More
The National Christmas Tree outside the White House has long been surrounded by smaller trees decorated with ornaments created by students from U.S. states and territories. Last December, DoDEA schools finally had their own tree, and its students, with the help of educators, were able to design ornaments celebrating the places around the world they… Read More
TRANSFERS We have heard from the field that some DoDEA officials have discussed the possibility of a transfer program being held this year. At this time, DoDEA has not sent the Association any notice, official or otherwise, that it is intending to conduct a transfer program this year. Under terms of a past arbitrator’s ruling,… Read More
On Monday, November 22nd, FEA leaders and members attended an early Thanksgiving meal at Fort Bragg hosted by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. The First Lady, who specifically asked for DoDEA educators to be invited, noted that they are part of the military community and thanked DoDEA educators for all they do.… Read More
Association attorneys and leaders Thursday raised concerns with the vaccine exemption form issued by DoDEA earlier this week, leading to management’s release of updated guidance providing more flexibility in the timeline for employees to file medical documentation when seeking exemption from the November 22 deadline to be fully vaccinated. FEA and FEA-Stateside Region leaders and… Read More
Vaccine Mandate; Loan Forgiveness; FEHB; NEA Read Across America Grant DoDEA Vaccine Mandate and Reasonable Accommodation While FEA recommends all members, who can, become vaccinated to meet the fast-approaching November 22 deadline for federal employees to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, we recognize some members are unable to take the vaccine due to health… Read More