1. Teacher Appreciation Week
2. IRS Forms and Publications
3. Weingarten Rights
4. FRS/Local Elections
5. EAC Minutes
6. School Nurse Day
7. Mark your Calendar
1. Teacher Appreciation Week — It is Teacher Appreciation Week, and FEA hopes you are all getting all the good Karma you deserve! If you have time and would like a good laugh, here is a short video that may make you laugh! You are appreciated! View the YouTube video here (From 2019 and hope it brings a smile!)
2. IRS Forms and Publications — As tax season approaches, this site has all the forms and publications that you will need to complete your 2020 tax filing. Most can be done electronically. Also, be aware that most military installations offer tax services for civilians at no cost–check with the legal office on your base/post. IRS forms
3. Weingarten Rights — This, unfortunately, is the time of the year when child abuse allegations reach a peak. These can be leveled at any one, not just teachers, who are in contact with children. Should you be accused it is imperative that you invoke your Weingarten Rights. Weingarten Rights guarantee an employee the right to union representation during an investigatory interview by an employer. If the interview could in any way lead to the employee being disciplined or terminated or affect his or her personal or working conditions, he or she should respectfully request that a union representative or officer be present at the meeting. Without representation, the employee may choose not to answer any questions. On the inside cover of the FEA calendar there is a card detailing what you must do. I hope none of us ever need it.
4. FRS Elections — It is getting close to the time many schools have elections for the faculty representative spokesperson. Generally, it is best to have this completed before a schedule for the next SY is in place, however not always possible. Attached to this update are the guidelines for having local elections for the school. Please understand these are ‘guidelines’ and that your local constitution and bylaws should be the authority. Should you have any questions or need anything please contact your Division Representative.
5. EAC Minutes — While the minutes are always published on the FEA website, they possibly have not been sent in any way to ensure all know they are published. You can access them as well as all updates here. Europe page It is also good to constantly check the FEA website for up to the minute information.
6. School Nurse Day — Wednesday, May 12, is National School Nurse Day. School nurses work to promote health and provide the best care possible to students and their families. Take time on this day to look at the difference school nurses make in our schools. On a personal note, I would like to thank all our dedicated nurses for their hard work and patience in dealing with our students (and teachers)! They look after us as well!
7. Mark Your Calendar-
May 4 — National Teacher’s Day (3-7 May Teacher Appreciation Week)
May 5 — Cinco de Mayo
May 7 — Military Spouse Appreciation Day
May 9 — Mother’s Day
May 12 — School Nurses Day
Terry McClain
FEA Europe
Area Director