EDues is a way for FEA members to pay Association dues with EFT or Credit Card payments, rather than payroll deduction through DoDEA, or via personal check or cash payments.
This page will provide you all the information you need to switch to EFT or Credit Card payment of your Association dues. If you are unable to find the answers you are looking for, please send your question to FEA staffer Gary Hritz.
Q: Do I have to switch to eDues?
No. No member is required to use eDues. Members may remain on payroll deduction if they wish. eDues was made available because many members do not want DoDEA management or other government agencies to have any involvement in their Association membership through payroll deduction of dues. Risk of government agencies committing errors related to payroll deduction is another reason to consider switching to eDues.
Q: What are the payment options under eDues?
Participants who enroll in eDues may select either Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments tied to their bank account, or Credit Card payment.
Q: Can I use my credit card for installment payments?
Credit cards can only be used to pay annual dues as a one-time lump sum payment. Those wishing to pay in installments can only do so via EFT transactions. To pay in installments, be sure to select the “Bank Account” option showing multiple payments instead of one annual payment.
Q: Can I enroll as a new FEA member using eDues?
If you are seeking to join the Federal Education Association for the first time, thank you! The eDues system is unable to process new memberships. Please consult your FRS/Building Representative for information on how to join. If you are unsure who that person is, please send a message to FEA membership processor Nereyda Jones-Luciano at, asking her to send you contact information for your local Association rep. Be sure to include your name and the name of your school and complex in your message, to help us find your rep.
Q: Do I have to sign up for eDues every year?
No. Like the payroll deduction system through the government, your eDues payments will be set up as recurring payments. You will be emailed a notice before a new school year’s payments begin, informing you of any changes to dues amounts and providing information on how to make changes to or end your eDues deductions.
Additional questions and answers can be found on page 4 of the “Transitioning to eDues” document referenced in the first bullet point under How To Sign Up for E-Dues (above).
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