1. Welcome Back
2. RAT Travel Reimbursement Info
3. Payroll Organizer
4. Membership Materials information
5. TSP Loan info
6. Name Change to HCR
7. FEA Europe Leadership
8. eDues Enrollment Info/Deadline
9. NEA Info for start of SY
10. Mark Your Calendar
11. Non-Temporary Storage Info
1. Welcome Back — Welcome back to returnees, and hello to all new colleagues. It is hard to believe that the ‘summer that wasn’t’ has passed so quickly. There have been changes over the summer to a number of policies in DoDEA, and FEA has been working hard to keep all updated. Visiting www.FEAonline.org will give you the updates and also allow you to sign up for the President’s report. This report has up-to-date info, and goes out twice monthly. I will send out updates as well, and of course when there is ‘Breaking News’ will inform all immediately as news changes daily during these times.
2. RAT Travel Directions for Reimbursement — In an effort to streamline travel voucher processing, DoDEA has launched two new service desk workflows for all employees to submit travel vouchers to the Resource Management (RM) Analysts for processing:
1. DTS-RAT/Education Travel
2. Permanent Change of Station PCS
The new DTS-RAT/ED and PCS Voucher service desk workflows, referred to as “workflow” is part of our continuous improvement process to provide more timely reimbursements for travel vouchers submitted. While not mandated, we highly recommend that employees take advantage of using these new workflows due to the many benefits (listed below) of using the Global Service Desk system applications. (Attached to this update is also the directions for filling for reimbursement of RAT/ED travel and self-procured ticket statement)
3. Payroll Organizer— A general salary organizer in PDF format and an Excel Spreadsheet, prepared by FEA member Larry Tjelveit at SHAPE Elementary School, are available at this page. It is always a good idea to keep track of your pay throughout each school year so you can find and report any potential pay problems before they snowball. (From the President’s Report)
4. Membership Materials for SY 19-20 — If you are the membership coordinator or FRS taking care of the membership materials for you school, you will need this information. Once membership materials are completed they should be sent to: Linda Conception, PSC 3 Box 4796 APO, AP 96266 and email is pac_pro@outlook.com
Linda Conception is our new membership coordinator and very knowledgeable about anything needed for starting/stopping dues or any other questions you may have.
5. TSP Loans – Many of us have had or have TSP Loans. One critical thing you must do at this time is to file the Notification to TSP of Non Pay Status, TSP Form 41. This is filed through your local payroll person. If this is not filed, then for those on the 21 pay plan the agency will be trying to take payment when there is no pay. This can cause a number of problems. When you return to pay status make sure also that you restart your payments. You can find the form here
6. Name change to HCR: Henceforth, the position known as “HCR-C” at the building level will be known as “FR-HCR”. This change was made to encourage the recruitment as well as training opportunities for the position. Please see the attached document for details. POC: Patricia Hannon, EU-HCR: feahannon@gmail.com.
7. FEA Europe Leadership — The Division Representatives and other FEA leaders for Europe for SY 19-20 are as follows:
8. eDUES ENROLLMENT DEADLINE IS SEPT 4 — Any member who wishes to switch their method of payment for Association dues from payroll deduction to Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) or Credit Card should do so by this Friday, September 4, so that your existing payroll deductions can be halted in time. To sign up for EFT or Credit Card, go to feaonline.org/switch.htm and view the information about signing up through NEA’s eDues system. Be especially aware that you will need to submit form SF 1188 to end your existing payroll deductions, otherwise you would be assessed dues twice (once by the eDues system and again through payroll deductions). The info at feaonline.org/switch.htm explains how to access that SF 1188 form and how to submit it to Linda Concepcion, the membership processor for Europe and the Pacific, so she can assist with stopping your payroll deductions prior to your eDues payments beginning. Thank you!
9. National Education Association info (NEA) — NEA provides a wealth of material for teachers and this link provides ideas to start the school. (Community Schools Getting Started ) They also provide ideas “Creating Safe and Supportive Schools so all Students Can Learn” ( read the article here ) Hope this can help, and we encourage you to visit the NEA webpages for all the information happening stateside.
10. Mark Your Calendar-
September 2 — Labor Day Federal Holiday
September 8 — Europe West FRS Training (Online ½ day)
September 9 — Europe West FRS Training (Online ½ day)
September 14 — Europe West FRS Training for West Schools on the Continent (Online ½ day)
September 15 — Europe West FRS Training for West Schools on the Continent (Online ½ day)
September 16 — Europe East FRS Training (Online ½ day)
September 17 — Europe East FRS Training (Online ½ day)
11. Non-Temporary Storage – Goods in Storage: If you have goods in storage, you should normally receive a “fund cite” in September. The fund citations for the storage are done on a fiscal year basis. DoDEA notifies the storage companies of the new fund citations and employees about the same time. The notices go initially to the school secretary, who should distribute them to employees. If you have not received a notice, please check first with your school secretary.
Terry McClain
FEA Europe
Area Director