BEN HUNTER – FEA-SR General Counsel

DPMAP — We have just learned that management has sent out guidance to the field regarding implementation of the DPMAP performance appraisal system. While the parties have finalized MOUs regarding the new DPMAP system for both the certified and support bargaining units, the agency is required under the DPMAP MOUs to bargain training prior to implementation. Furthermore, the agency has failed to meet its requirements under the DPMAP MOU and MLA to bargain changes to the performance elements and standards for certified bargaining unit employees. We will be watching closely and respond if the agency attempts to illegally implement DPMAP training or new elements and standards before the end of the school year.

VERA VSIP for Stateside — The deadline for VERA VSIP applications for stateside employees was February 1. Many educators applied for this opportunity. At this time no stateside offers have been made. In a follow up with Judy Minor, Director of Student Excellence DoDEA Americas, she stated “It is my understanding that by the end of March or 1st week of April, VSIP letters will be going out to those individuals who can save a position. Just a reminder: All of the people who applied for VSIP are not guaranteed an offer.” FEA SR will update members as soon as we get any more information on VERA VSIP or RIF

Human Civil Rights Day at Fort Campbell – Fort Campbell staff celebrated Human Rights Day on February 12th, 2019. National Human Rights Day is set aside to properly honor the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a milestone document that proclaimed the inalienable rights which everyone is inherently entitled to as a human being regardless of race, color, religion, sex, language, political or national or social origin. The historic day was designated to unite staff for a humanitarian mission of understanding and acceptance of all individuals. Our guest speaker, Tyler Loveday from the Human Rights Campaign- Nashville Chapter, spoke candidly about effective ways to unanimously support LGBTQ coworkers and students. We equally took this time to officially declare Fort Campbell’s Schools a “human rights community”! This mission will remain a top priority of the Federal Education Association Stateside Region. Thank you to Antoinette Schepis, HCR Fort Campbell ESP HCR for coordinating this event!

Red for Respect — Now more than ever educators need to continue wearing RED for RESPECT. We continue to show our solidarity by wearing RED. All educators deserve RESPECT. We are the heart of our schools. We make a difference in students’ lives every day. Please keep sending me pictures of our members showing their RED!

FEA SR Area Council — The Stateside Area Council will be held March 8-10 in Nashville, TN. Please contact your local president for more information.

Guam Education Support Association — Congratulations to GESA. They have elected their first local Board of Directors! Kelsi Cooper is the new and first GESA President. Way to go ESPs!

Read Across America — March 1 is NEA’s Read Across America Day. Many locals have wonderful events planned for students and parents. Please send pictures of your RAA Day activities!

Know Your Rights — MLA – Article 9 Section 6, Sign – In / Sign – Out
The Agency has determined that DDESS School Districts will not use general sign-in and sign-out requirements for bargaining unit members. However, individual sign-in and sign-out requirements may be used, at the discretion of the Superintendent and/or Principal, only for individual employees who have tardiness problems or who have left the work site early without permission.

MLA Certified -The MLA remains in full force and effect until a new agreement is legally implemented. An update about the status of contract bargaining can be found at
