Terry's Update Open Season NEA Benefit (Loan Forgiveness) HCRC Appointment Mark Your Calendar (Holiday Deadline Dates for Mail) Election Information (Last Chance Due Friday 3 Dec.) FEHBP info Pearl Harbor Day Info Attention FRS's: Please distribute this Update to all members. Open Season – It is getting close to open season for changes in… Read More
TERRYS UPDATE Open Season NEA Benefit (Loan Forgiveness) NEA Benefit (Free Life Insurance) Mark Your Calendar (Holiday Deadline Dates for Mail) Election Information American Education Week Attention FRS's: Please distribute this Update to all members. Open Season – It is getting close to open season for changes in insurance etc. (November 8-December 13) and is… Read More
Terry's Update Open Season NEA Benefit (Loan Forgiveness) Read Across America Grant Info Mark Your Calendar Election Information American Education Week Attention FRS's: Please distribute this Update to all members. 1.Open Season – It is getting close to open season for changes in insurance etc. (November 8-December 13) and is always a good idea to… Read More
Attention FRS's: Please distribute this Update to all members. Non-Temporary Storage – Goods in Storage: If you have goods in storage, you should normally receive a "fund cite" in September. The fund citations for the storage are done on a fiscal year basis. DoDEA notifies the storage companies of the new fund citations and employees… Read More
Terry's Update Welcome Back RAT Travel Reimbursement Info Membership Materials information TSP Loan info FEA Europe Leadership eDues Enrollment Info/Deadline Mark Your Calendar Non-Temporary Storage Info Attention FRS's: Please distribute this Update to all members. Welcome Back – Welcome back to returnees, and hello to all new colleagues. It is hard to believe that… Read More
Terry's Update 2 June 2021 1. Goodbye Grievance 2. FEA/NEA Retired or Pre-Retired 3. FRS/Local Elections 4. RAT Orders (From President's Report) 5. RAT Tickets (From President's Report) 6. Pay Increase (pay scale attached) 7. HCRC News 8. Time to Check 9. DPMAP from the start 10. Mark Your Calendar 1. Goodbye Grievance - If… Read More
1. Goodbye Grievance 2. FEA/NEA Retired or Pre-Retired 3. FRS/Local Elections 4. FEA Journal 5. Stopping Dues 6. Mark your Calendar 1. Goodbye Grievance - If you are an Overseas employee who is resigning/retiring or moving to a bargaining unit outside of FEA's Overseas bargaining unit, please remember to file and elevate your "Goodbye Grievance"… Read More
Terry's Update 28 April 2021 1. Teacher Appreciation Week 2. IRS Forms and Publications 3. Weingarten Rights 4. FRS/Local Elections 5. EAC Minutes 6. School Nurse Day 7. Mark your Calendar 1. Teacher Appreciation Week -- It is Teacher Appreciation Week, and FEA hopes you are all getting all the good Karma you deserve!… Read More
Terry's Update 1. NEA RA Representatives 2. Poem in your Pocket Day 3. IRS Forms and Publications 4. NEA Foundation Award 5. FRS/Local Elections 6. Autism Awareness Month Link/Info 7. Mark your Calendar 1. Congratulations -- The FEA Representatives elected for the National Education Representative Assembly this summer are, Nancy Alemendras, Danielle Rodriguez, Margaret Ballinger,… Read More
Terry's Update 1. Women's History Month 2. VLTP 3. IRS Forms and Publications 4. NEA Foundation Award 5. FRS/Local Elections 6. Mark Your Calendar 1. Women's History Month -- This month, March, is Women's History Month. Since 1910, March 8 has been observed as International Women's Day by people around the world. Thus, March was… Read More